Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I ♥ ...

...Cloth Diapers

We're getting ready to go to camp. I'm packing like crazy. The kids and I will be gone for three weeks. I won't be blogging :o)

On the list of things to pack...3 weeks of disposable diapers for two children.

Sticker shock.

We're not using cloth for those three weeks because
1. using other people's washing machines has proved to make our diapers leak and stinky, even after using our Charlie's in a load before hand. (When regular detergent or fabric softener is used on cloth diapers that have PUL it makes them leak, even being washed in machines that routinely use those products can ruin them. I can strip the diapers and usually restore them, but it is hours of work.)

2. When I am at camp I have to wait till the weekend to do laundry at a laundromat. I don't have enough cloth to diaper for a whole week without washing.
Here is a portion of Little Monkey's diapers.
And here is a portion of Rosebud's. They are saving us BIG bucks. We've bought some of the disposables we are going to use-having trouble finding Rosebud's size at a price I'll pay. Even buying generic cheap-o diapers it is going to cost around $75 for three weeks. SOOO glad we switched to cloth. Considering cloth? Go for it!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Birthday Outing

We didn't really get to celebrate Little Monkey Man's birthday yesterday. At least not as I would have wanted to. Being that it was a church day and that daddy was working, we planned a family outing today in honor of the big day. The children's garden is also where we took Snug for his second birthday. It is a free place to visit! If you live in SW Ohio and want to know more, leave a comment and I'll e-mail you! Click here to see what the boys looked like at this same garden two years ago.
The flowers at the garden are gorgeous! This is a double Tiger Lily.

Every year they have some sort of a theme. This year there are farm animals made out of recycled materials welded together. (You can see some of a rooster in the Tiger Lily picture)

Bees love it there, but I've never had them bother the kids.

I don't know what this plant is, but I want one...or 200. They look like fireworks.
I could seriously spend all day sitting in this garden reading a book.

There are lots of nice places to sit and read.

But it is a children's garden so there is much more to it that plants...and I will never get away with going and just reading a book!

Luckily my guys were nice enough to stop playing and let me take some pictures.

But most of the time I just took pictures of them playing. Daddy had the day off, so we enjoyed his company too.

There is lots and lots of water at this garden. This is the one water feature that the kids may not get in. It is a koi pond.

Fun in the playhouse

Playing in the "prairie" area.
There are different areas throughout the garden. Prairie, wetland, woods, etc. along with the sensory garden, storybook garden, music maze, and different play areas.

Snug was trying to teach LMM to walk from stump to stump. LMM was trying very hard...however his legs just physically are not long enough to do it!
At one point we thought Snug's shorts looked kinda short on him. When he changed into his bathing suit, I noticed he was wearing 18-24 month shorts. Oops. They were perfect in the waist...but a little short for his legs! (He currently wears a 4T with the extenders in his waist band pulled all the way tight).

Rosebud liked the garden too. She spent much of her time in the stroller snoozing, but enjoyed snuggle time too. I didn't wear her in a sling because I bend over to examine way too many plants :o)

The boys love to pump the water and then use the watering cans to water the plants. Several plants are specifically labeled "water here".

This is the music maze...they've planted hedges that have different musical instruments throughout.

All the running around the boys do just makes her exhausted.
Before lunch we put the boys' swim suits on and they went wading in the stream and playing in the caves.

Snug and Little Monkey are wearing the same size swim trunks this summer. They are size 18-24 month or 2T. Snug has the "right" size, but he can't keep them on. Makes it easy on me, I just grab 2 sets and go.

Eating "peanut-jelly smamiches" and these really cool corn (and gluten-free) tortillas I found at Aldi...they are HUGE. The picnic tables are all kid sized. #1 and I were not real comfortable, but it was great for the kids.

We've been to this garden several time before, and neither of the boys liked the water fall area. Well, lo and behold today it was a favorite. As we walked by to go home, they decided they had to get in. I was glad I brought their Ear Band-its. They got soaked. Little Monkey wouldn't do anything if other kids were around, but he did the water fall once they weren't there. He doesn't normally like fountains/sprinklers but today it was a hit.

LMM loved this turtle that shot water out of his mouth.

We went because yesterday was LMM's birthday...but I think I'd like to go back for mine!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Our Little Monkey turned 2 today. 2!!!! At his last check-up he weighed 26 lbs, and I don't remember how many inches tall...many. He hasn't gained any weight in a few months, but keeps getting taller every day!
His favorite part about his birthday is a toss up between getting out of the church nursery (and going to the "big boy class") or playing with helium balloons.

Because we found gluten-free lasagna noodles, I made 2 lasagnas for tonight's supper. Daddy had to work until night church started, so after church we had a late supper and let him open a couple of presents. He could have opened as many as he wanted, but he was tired and after 2 he was done.
He opened a pig that looks like a piggy bank but you put big plastic coins in that Snug got him at a garage sale (LOVE those!). He uses the same one in therapy and has always loved it. He also got a pair of faux leather cowboy boots. I knew he wanted them because I had tried them on him at Wal-Mart and he cried when I took them off. When they went on clearance, I grabbed them up!MMMMMMM birthday cake! (Also gluten-free!)

Happy Birthday little man!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Not Doing Any Better

I'm not doing any better at blogging. I just...haven't been good about it. I'm going to camp for 2 weeks here soon, so that won't improve anything :o)

Rosebud was 10 weeks old (really????) yesterday. She weighs 10 lbs 14 oz. I'm probably done weighing her weekly...she is certainly gaining weight nicely. She smiles ALL the time. She is gaining pretty good head control. She has been fussy the last couple of days, but she HATES traveling and we did quite a bit over the weekend...but her fussy days are like good days with most babies, so I can't complain.

Bought some gluten-free ice cream cones for Little Monkey yesterday. They have everything gluten-free...but at a price! Funny thing is, I pulled out from the store and stopped at a red light when I got a text from my mom. I do NOT text and drive, but the light had JUST turned red so I figured I had time to read it. It said "buying gluten-free ice cream cones for LMM". I called her immediately and told her not to because I had JUST (as in 30 seconds earlier) bought him some. What are the chances??????

Bought the decortations for Snug's birthday cake while shopping at Once Upon A Child for a travel swing for Rosebud. His birthday isn't until the beginning of August...but he has an unusual request for a cake theme this year. He wants a Diego cake with dragonflies and butterflies on it. Um. Ok. I found a box (unopened) that had a toy Diego, Dora, and Baby Jaguar in it. They are like 3 inches high. I can make dragonflies and butterflies. I cannot create a Diego.

LMM's birthday is Sunday. We celebrated with #1's family this past Sunday. Will celebrate with my family 4th of July weekend. I have pictures of his cupcakes but I haven't uploaded them yet. It is my goal to upload those...along with the pictures from this past weekend in Michigan ASAP.

Found this picture of LMM when he was 2 months old. He weighed 11 lbs 2 oz. This was before he started having problems gaining weight. He had trouble after we introduced solid food. I guess lots of Wheat-Gluten (Celiac too) kids don't have trouble if they are breastfed until they are introduced to "real" food. Then they drop off the charts. Once I start solid foods with Rosebud I will be weighing her weekly again.

I will post new pictures soon...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bits And Pieces

I technically have had time to blog in the last week. We are finally falling into a routine. I'm keeping the house...well...sanitary and we kinda have a schedule. This is due in part to the fact that my mom was around helping us out and visiting with us. It is also due to the fact that Rosebud is now 9 weeks old! She weighed 11 lbs at her 2 month checkup, but they weighed her with a full diaper and clothes on. Not the way I'd do it, but oh well. I weighed her on our digital baby scale (the one I weigh her on weekly) and she was 10 lbs 8 oz.
But instead of blogging I've been trying to spend lots of time with the kids. When Snug prayed "Thank you God for this food so we can eat...and help mommy to stop yelling at 'Little Monkey'." And when Snug told daddy to "just yell at it" when the chainsaw wouldn't start...well we decided we'd better work on the not yelling. I'm reading a couple of books, he's got accountability in some friends. We're trying. We are so not perfect parents.
Rosebud is modeling her new bathing suit. I'm not quite sure why they sell bathing suits for little babies. I bought it so I guess I am the reason that they sell them :o) This one is size 3-6 mos. I think it she may grow out of it before 3 months!!!

She actually was quite happy to look at the grass, don't worry. This picture looks more torturous than it is. I just wanted to remember how cute the back was too.

Rosebud spends much of her day lounging about in the backyard.

And she smiles all the time. She is such a blessing.

Little Monkey Man keeps himself busy with his water table...and anything else he can get his hands on in the backyard. He usually doesn't play with toys. Here he is using the watering can we use for our deck railing garden. Oh well.

We also get to as many of #1's softball games as we can. He plays at least two times a week.

I just had to post this picture. He cracks me up. Some days his speech seems like it is really coming along. Some days all I can get is pointing and grunting and screaming. I know there is so much in that little head of his. He understands SO much and he is really smart. He just has a hard time telling us what he knows.

Snug has recovered nicely from his surgery. Here he is entertaining Rosebud during her mandatory tummy time (not her favorite). Keeping him "quiet and still" was no easy feat. This toy I picked up at a garage sale last year helped.

Snug just loves his sister. Sometimes too hard, but he truly tries. He is constantly in her face kissing her and talking to her.

Another activity this week was putting in the clothesline. My dad built the poles and #1 and I put them in.

Snug is very proud of the job "he and daddy did". Snug sprayed the hose for daddy. And on daddy.

I am just so happy to have my diapers out sunning themselves. I never like how stiff my inserts, doublers, and AIOs are after a day outside though. My pocket diapers and covers are always ok. I found the solution. About 10 minutes before another load of clothes is done, I quick stick all the "stiff" diaper pieces in the dryer and then they are not only sunned and smelling nice, they are also back to their normal soft selves. Problem solved!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8 Weeks Old

Just a quick update on life here. Busy. Always busy.

Rosebud is 8 weeks old today. She weighs 10 lbs even. I measured her last week and she was 21 inches long. She is still a quiet and happy baby. Lots of smiles, pretty easy going.

Snug is recovering from surgery. He is pretty cranky and his voice sounds like an animated movie character...but other than that he seems ok. He doesn't know how to take it easy.

Little Monkey went to the ER yesterday (our doctor is out of town...his first vacation in 2 years so we can't get too upset) and he has Croup and Pink Eye. Fun times. He isn't supposed to be too near Rosebud because she could pick it up easily. The doctor tells me that as he is thrashing around and rubbing his face (and snotty nose and goopy eyes) on me, my shirt, and the sling that Rosebud would be riding in a few minutes later to exit the hospital. Riiiiiight. I'll keep them oh so far apart.

Rosebud was in a sling and Little Monkey was in the umbrella stroller because out Sit and Stand double stroller was in the van...and the van was in the shop. It is one of those days weeks.

I'd take an 8 week picture...but the camera card is full. Sorry.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tonsils & Adenoids & Tubes, Oh My!

Snug had his tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday, and tubes put in his ears. He has had trouble hearing a week or so here and there-to the point if he's not looking at you he doesn't know you are talking. We didn't want that to interfere with school in the fall. He also has had fluid (not always infections) on his ears for months. His tonsils were coming out because they were HUGE and he had sleep apnea.
Snug was very excited to go to the hospital. He thought it was going to be one big vacation. He proudly marched in at 6:30 am (ugh) with his suitcase and blue bear in tow.
In the waiting area, there are video games. He also got some Peanuts coloring sheets and crayons.

Once in his pre-op room, we spent a good two hours. Nurses, the surgeon, anaesthesiologists, etc. came in and out and seemingly asked the same questions each time. By the end Snug knew how to answer. He spent some snuggle time with his sister and watched Nick Jr on TV. We don't have cable, and his TV is typically limited to 30 min. a day-if any, so he was thrilled.

Our pastor came and prayed with us and talked for awhile which I thought was so nice. Once in his hospital gown, Snug then got some Valium and Tylenol3 which made him very...happy.? He kinda acted drunk. Once it all kicked in, they took him to surgery.

We were asked to wait in the pre-op room until the surgery was over (about 30 min.) and we had talked to the doctor. Dr. B said he had huge adenoids as well as huge tonsils. Everything went well except they had to drain a bunch of pus out of his left ear. Apparently he had a big ear infection.

This is how Rosebud was transferred around for the day. No siblings were supposed to be there, but I got permission to bring her as long as I didn't have a stroller. They don't want extra noise and junk around, but she wasn't noisy and we only had her sling and a diaper bag.

Post surgery we met Snug in his room. He was having trouble with his O2 levels, but refused oxygen in the recovery room. They gave him a party blower to take deep breaths and blow. It worked. Our children's hospital is good like that-everything is super kid-friendly.

Snug got a Diego balloon from Rosebud and Little Monkey and a Woody "doll" from us. He loves all things Toy Story right now. He woke up in a great mood and wanted to run around. It was very hard to keep him in bed. Slushies and TV helped. They were amazed at how fast he drank 4 oz of apple juice and immediately wanted a popsicle and TV. We told them he never drinks juice, rarely gets things like popsicles, and very limited TV...he had been informed all of those things would be available at the hospital. He was right!
The good mood and happiness wore off about 6pm. He finally started to act like he had had surgery and it was a very long night for daddy who stayed with him. Today he is quite unhappy with everything but won't stay down...because he "isn't tired".
Thank you so much for your prayers. I"ll let you know how he progresses