Friday, August 22, 2008

Home Again

Okie, so still no pictures...I'm working on it, I promise.
We are back home after being gone ten days. The boys did pretty well. Baby J was a trooper and enjoyed lots of people holding him. He's a little cranky tonight, but not too bad. Big J had some moments as I vented before, but he had a great time and especially enjoyed the pool. He is a little fish-jumped in and had his head under quite a bit without any reservations. I was sad to have to leave because I had looked forward to the trip all summer and I loved spending time with family. However, when I walked in our house it was so nice to be home! We have a bit of an unpacking mess, but with Draycare showing up Monday morning it should get cleaned up fast. Tomorrow is Doggie Dash N Splash. If you have no idea what that is, go to It is a huge dog festival that I help plan and execute every year. #1 will have the boys by himself for the whole day. Hurray for daddy! I think I get him to do it every year because the first year we did it he had to be McGruff and wear a huge hot stinky dog suit at the festival in 90 deg weather. Ever since then he's been more than happy to stay home and away from the festival, even if it means a day with James, and this year Big J and Little J by himself!

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