Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Not An April Fools Prank

It isn't an April fools prank.
Little Dray #5 has a due date of 9/24/14
We will know gender in 37 days.

No, we were not planning this.
Yes, we are happy about it.
Yes, we were a little shell shocked.
Yes, we know where babies come from.
No, we don't want your negative opinions on having more than 2 kids.

We will share the gender, and most likely the name when we find out in early May.

Any guess on gender?  Snug, who seems to have a knack for this sort of thing, predicts girl.  


Esther said...

Congratulations! :-)

April Hand said...

I am guessing girl b/c I'm biased & love having girls;)

So excited for you guys -- if anyone can do 5 kids, I'm sure you can!!!


Johnius said...

Congratulations! I'm excited for you all! All SEVEN of you!

Unknown said...

So very very excited for you! You remain in my prayers.

Unknown said...

So very very excited for you! You remain in my prayers.

Kim M said...

I'm predicting boy and I think having 5 is great! I speak as a #5 myself!

Arlene Compton said...

What delightful and wonderful news! We sing a song about babies in my 4 year old - 2nd grade opening exercises for Sunday School that goes like this:
" Even before I was born, God knew my name. Even before I was born, HE had a plan. Even before I met Mom and Dad, there was something special 'bout me. Even before I could cry, 'I'm here!' - HE knew that I was meant to be."
'We sing that for each new baby born in our church and I'm singing it in my head right now for that special little baby Dray!

Melissa said...

Gotta be a girl!

Melissa said...

Gotta be a girl!

cclauson said...

That is wonderful!

Jenilee said...

oh yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Babies are a wonderful gift and I'm thrilled that you are expecting. Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a girl: just like Grandma: 3 girls and 2 boys! Aunt Cheryl

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It's been a while, hope your family is doing well.

Unknown said...

I just want to say that with the 10 kids in my family I have heard a LOT of things in my short life =) I am super happy for your guys. Babies are always a blessing not matter when they come, because God made them and planned them for us. You guys are awesome parents, and you are the kind of family that should be graced with 5 (or more) kids because you are awesome parents and God knows it and everyone else knows it =)