Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

I love carving pumpkins.
I love sharing the experience with my kids.
I love having my husband help.

I love how serious Snug was.

I love that Little Monkey Man ate lots of pumpkin guts.

I love carving pumpkins.


So you know me. Nothing happens "normal".
Snug was so excited about Trick-Or-Treat. About an hour before it was time to go he said "I can't wait much longer for Trick-or-treat. This is really taking a little while." He cracks me up.
Candy count for the week: 6 pieces that I am aware of
I made his costume this year. And between church, school, and events with friends, he wore it six times. Well worth it. (He is Woody)

My favorite part? A tie between the pull-string or the boots. Can't decide. But it was so fun to do. Thank you Grandmommy for finding the was great.
Candy count for the week: 0 pieces (Although a few people offered her some tonight...really?)

I got the kids all dressed and took them outside one at a time to get their pictures taken. My aunt has let me borrow her Cannon Rebel...and wow. WOW. I am forever grateful. I have been able to take pictures so much easier and so much clearer then before. Thank you!!!!

Up until the point we actually went trick-or-treating, things were great. And then the adventure began. Our next door neighbor was happy to see the kids and give them lots-o-candy. She kept giving them more until I threatened to bring them back to her house to go to bed :o)

Candy Count for the week: 4 pieces +several wrappers+the frosting he licked off the cake on the counter during nap time.
LMM was very funny. He "roared" for everyone. And said "Teet teet" when they came to the door. And "Hank hooo" when he got a candy. He loved the tail on his costume. It made a great "bat".

While our next-door neighbor was talking to me, Monkey Man got into his loot and started eating a piece (I only let gluten-free candy hit his bag) so he had chocolate all over his face...hands...costume. Lovely. All the pictures here are from before we went. I didn't take three children and a camera. I am only human.

I saw the night as an opportunity to meet neighbors I haven't yet. Which it was...kinda. I did meet a couple of new ones and that was great. But overall, our street was not great.

We moved here from a street that was mostly elderly people and most of them didn't pass out candy because it was too hard to get up and down many times in an evening. I would take the kids over and visit for awhile because they loved to see them dressed up. No candy was involved, just a nice visit. I missed that tonight.
Here, the man across the street turns something like 95 this year. He was the most prepared for Halloween. He was excited to see the kids. That made me feel a little better.
So we went trick-or-meeting. And I want to say that we did meet a couple of lovely neighbors. There was even a lady who brought by candy yesterday because she knew she wasn't going to be home and that was so nice.
But then there were the people who had no clue it was trick-or-treat. Or who were kinda rude about us being the new neighbors. Because they are community activists and they already know who we are and that we live there. It was weird.

At about the third house that actually knew trick-or-treat was happening, I realized two things. First off, we had seen nary another child. Secondly, LMM was biting and chewing all of his candy through the wrappers as I pulled him along in the wagon. From that point on I put his candy into Snug's bag and he yelled "MINE. MINE. MINE CANNY". That was very attractive. Perhaps that is why the neighbors don't like us. We are loud. But we are better than the house a few down.
There is house four down from us with teens who are usually out smoking pot and drinking. Tonight the activity was revving their engines and racing around in their cars. We didn't visit their house. Maybe some neighbors are afraid that little dinosaurs who cry about their mommy taking away their precious candy will turn into pot smoking engine reving teens. I highly doubt it.
This is how I got the kids around. After our less than successful trip up and down our street (which I have to say for the record includes 14 houses including ours and several people were not home) we saw another child...on the street behind ours.
With everything in me I wanted to just go home. But how fun is trick-or-treating if you don't see any other kids? Something about that is un-natural. So we went to the street behind us. People had pumpkins lit, and were standing ready at their doors. There were other children and laughter and even though I was exhausted, by this time pulling all three kids in the wagon...we did about six houses before heading back home.

I guess the street behind us got a "tips" sheet.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Coming Soon...

Costumes, pumpkin carving, and lots of fun....

...coming soon!

Friday, October 29, 2010


We have finally begun to clean up the leaves in our yard. And stuff them in plastic bags as our trash pick-up requires. (Which is killing me. Can it get more eco-unfriendly???)

While it is hard work. And it isn't helping me sore-throat-situation...the leaves are beautiful.

But why? Why is Little Monkey Man dressed this way?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Barn

It's not a patch. We don't get to go out and pick them. They are pre-picked and sitting in piles and rows. I know, bummer. But over all....a great time!

We took Draycare on the road and headed to our fall pumpkin destination. I got the CUTEST picture of the kids all together...but unless you are my friend on Facebook I'm not going to share it because I try really hard not to post pictures of other people's kids on my blog without their permission. Every time. And it stinks because I had to exclude some great pictures. Which you aren't going to believe, because this post is forever long. You've been warned!

We did not bring this particular pumpkin home. The pumpkin picking out wasn't even that big a deal to the kids. They were more into the jumpy house, straw bale pit, and wildlife.

Wild life?

Yup. Best thing hands-down about our trip was the fawn. The tame fawn. The free roaming, can leave anytime it wants but hangs around the farm fawn.

#1 was so funny about it. He was really excited and took lots of pictures of it on his phone.

I didn't think it would let us pet it, but of course LMM just ran up and threw his arms around it.

This deer was like a dog. Sniffing everyone and very friendly.

"Gourd" was LMM's word at preschool a couple of week's ago...he exercises it liberally.

Front porch sittin'

The petting zoo is always a favorite, but I have to say the deer really kinda down played it this year.

Someone liked the straw pit! (Yes, I realize she has no socks on and her tootsies are purple. That was my fault. See picture below for remedy.

Babywearing...daddy style.

I tried all trip to get a good picture of the three of them. There was just too much to see. Plus, my Draycare kids wanted the boys to PLAY, not participate in a photo session! (I took pictures of them for their parent's too)

So we had a great time. But, oh man, that straw in your pants is a killer!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Toy Story 4...Beware The Mobile Baby

The three car friends, Lightning McQueen, DJ, and Chick Hicks, were hanging out on the rug one morning. "Free at last!" sighed Lightning as he wiggled his wheels in the short shag. "We've been in the box for nearly three weeks now!"

"Seriously" grumbled Chick. "That was getting old. I am glad to be back where I belong. On the open rug. Nothing could bother me more than being in a storage box...well maybe being chewed on, but that isn't going to happen. Snug is so beyond that, and Monkey Man doesn't like to chew on cars."

"Speaking of which," Lightning said, "guys, I just want to remind you to be extra careful today. Slide under the couch if you can. Or the TV stand" cautioned Lightning. "The baby is mobile."

"Mobile? Whatever" sneered DJ. "That baby has been laying and drooling and staring at stuff for weeks. I know she can roll over, but its not like she goes far."

"Lightning" he continued. "I don't even see the baby. She's over sitting in her boppy enjoying a lovely set of plastic keys. I think we're fine." Lightning and Chick didn't respond. They were too busy scooting away.

"AAAAHHHHHH" yelled DJ as he felt his wheels leave the carpet. "She has me!"

"No! Not the mouth! Anything but the mouth!!!!" Yelled Chick as he saw the baby choose, then grab her victim.

"! Where is her mother?????? " Screamed DJ.

"Toys...beware. Baby. Is. Mobile. "

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Horrible Day...

I have a really bad feeling...tomorrow may be the same way.

Our weekend plans included:

Raking up the piles and piles of crispy crunchy maple leaves in our yard.

Going to the Pumpkin Barn and getting pumpkins/playing with the farm animals.

Going to a friend's 80th birthday party.


This was not to be.

I got zero sleep last night. Whenever I laid down I felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Monkey Man coughed. All. Night. Long.
Rosebud cried. And coughed. And snotted. All. Night. Long.

My throat hurts as much last night and today as it did when I got my tonsils out. No lie. I've cried. It is excruciating.

This morning dawned bright and crisp and beautiful. It was the perfect day for our above mentioned plans. We loaded up the van and headed to Urgent Care.

It is never ever ever dull with our family. When we arrived there were only like one or two other people there. Yeah! I'd like to thank the X-Ray technician who tried to register us (not that it was his job mind you...he just thought he'd give it a try). Even though he was kinda a goof, he was a nice guy. He turned on Sponge Bob for the kids to watch...and I promptly whispered ferociously (as I have ZERO voice) that they could not watch that. He then gave me a drink of water (THANK YOU!!!!) and even was so kind as to bring one for both boys...he said he knew if I had a drink they'd want one too. He was so right.

Actual registration lady comes...Monkey Man has no less than 3 meltdowns and falls off of a rolling chair. Instead of sending us back to the waiting room, they usher us quickly into the vitals room.

Nurse is a little confused as to which three of the five of us are being seen, but patient with us. Gives the boys stickers. So far not too bad. We've been there about a half hour.

Next we are sent into an exam room. There is one exam table and one chair. I wish I had a camera. I'm up on the exam table with Little Monkey Man who is coughing ALL over the place. Snug is sitting on a counter top. #1 gets the chair. For about five minutes. Then everyone but me (cause I can hardly move) plays musical seats for awhile. Poor Rosebud is sitting in her car seat with green snot all over her face. She is miserable.

The doctor comes in and examines me first. She speaks English...she just doesnt understand English. Between the language barrier and my lack of voice, we were lucky she knew to even examine my throat. She says it looks just fine but I am a little congested. She says she wants to do a Strep test, and leaves. For a half hour.

The room we are in is around 85 degrees. As five people sit and sit and sit it gets hotter...and hotter. We start stripping the kids down. Rosebud ends up in just a onesie and diaper. #1 has his sweat pants (its first thing Saturday morning) rolled up to the knee and is down to a cut off t-shirt. I couldn't take anything off because all I wore were jeans and a sweatshirt.

I'd like to say for the record that I have three large, very visible blisters on the back of my throat. My Strep test may be negative, but my throat is FAR from fine. When she returns to tell me I am just fine we are all a little less than presentable. The boys are pretty crazy by then and trying to watch "Little Einsteins" on daddy's phone...with my splitting headache I am trying to tune it all out. And nurse Rosebud. Who can't breathe.

She has decided that because I am in pain I need an anti-biotic (since when is that why you give anti-biotics??) but notices I am breastfeeding and decides maybe to prescribe something else. She says "You are breastfeeding???" Evidently it is rare. She seems super surprised. Then she says I'll have to ask the pharmacist if I can take/how much Tylenol for pain. I guess she didn't do a labor and delivery rotation in this century. Pretty sure they dope you up with stronger than OTC Tylenol moments after delivery, even when you deliver naturally.

Then she turns to go. I politely whisper/scream "what about the kids???" She looks at me blankly and #1 politely interprets that there are 3 of us there to be seen. After a bit of a blank stare she says "that is why there were three charts in here". Yup.

Little Monkey and his croupy cough are next. She asks if he has any allergies or medical things she should know about. #1 tells her that he is wheat-gluten intollerant. "Gluten?? and Sheet?" What is "sheet?" #1 tries again, and she still doesn't get it. Finally I whisper/yell "bread! He can't have bread!" "Oh, VEET! He can't have gluten or veet". I'm really starting to wonder about this doctor...I start looking for hidden camera.

She says "he has a cough". He has been coughing pretty much since we arrived. I'm glad she caught on. He gets cough medicine.

Last is Rosebud. She wants to know how much juice/water she gets in a day. I do my best to whisper "none", that she is exclusively breastfed, has never had a bottle, and has just started getting about a tablespoon of baby food a day. Dr. looks at me like I have five eyes. She then askes if our pediatrician (I didn't mention we don't use a pediatrician) knows that we are doing this to her. We assure her our doctor knows and is on board with it. I wonder what she would have said if I told her the kids don't drink juice at all.

At this point I look over and apparently it is unbearably warm in the room for Monkey Man because he has taken his entire shirt off by pulling it down from the shoulders and then having it hang around his middle. I half cracked up. Because we've been there for nearly two hours, I feel horrible...and the doctor doesn't seem to know what she's doing and very soon my entire family is going to be in their underwear because it is SWELTERING.

Her next comment is so so so not re-assuring. She says "Well. I have been a doctor longer than you have been alive. Things must have changed since I had my training." SERIOUSLY???? I wasn't going to be allowed to teach much longer without getting my masters' degree. Are there no doctor refresher courses?

So Rosebud is to have her nose sucked out more often so she can latch better while feeding (I'll get right on that...since I told her that is what we have been trying) and take Tylenol if she has a fever. (Should I have mentioned her amber teething necklace :o)

#1 takes the kids to the van while I wait for our discharge papers. I sneeze and then cry because it hurts so bad. The nurse comes in with our prescriptions and then tells me my diagnosis is a sinus infection and laringitis. Gee, that might explain why I have no voice. I kept my mouth (literally) shut.

Go to the pharmacy. Neither of the presctiptions have names on them. Pharmacist spends next 20 minutes on the phone trying to sort it all out.

I should have been a doctor.

Know what was on TV today when I had the day to lay around and re-coop? Football. And Baseball.

I should have been a doctor...then I'd have cable!

Friday, October 22, 2010



Throat Tingling

Buzzy Head

Nose Running


Swallows Bother

Head Pulsing

Kleenex Panic

Raw Scratchy Cannot Swallow

Splitting Headache

Everything is Fuzzy

Hoping Tomorrow Brings Relief

*These are the stages of a head cold my body has been experiencing since Wednesday. I'll spare you the details about the kids.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

6 Months Old


This picture was taken last week, the day Rosebud turned 6 months old. Today she weighs 14 lbs 12 oz. She was supposed to go to the doctor, but she is sick so I opted to keep her home...we'll try again next week. Just a bad head cold, nothing she needed to be seen for. We're all passing it around.
At six months, Rosebud rolls both ways, grabs for toys, sits on her own for awhile, but better with a boppy pillow behind her. She gurgles and coos and laughs. She recognizes our voices, but not her name. She scoots her body all over the place, but not technically creeping (crawling) yet. She has gotten up on all fours and rocked a bit so more movement is on its way.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Haircut

The long locks are gone.
I was tired of three things.
1) Comments on him needing a haircut or looking like a girl.
2) Having the people who did cut his hair make it look manicured, or doing the above "straight across" look to the front.
3) Keeping it clean. I literally have to hold him down in the tub (while keeping his earplugs in) to get it clean. And after I cleaned vomit out of it several times last week I had had it.
He has to wear a hat more now...because he doesn't have the natural wind protection!

And I miss it. I loved his hair. Every long strand of golden goodness.

Here it is! Actually I think the cut is fine, and he looks cute...but he's just not...himself. Well in looks anyway. You'll notice he had bit through his lower lip, which is pretty much par for the course.

These pictures are of his first field trip. His "class" went to the dairy. Out of seven children from two classes, he was one of two. The only one from his actual class. Talk about one-on-one with the teachers.

So this is fine for now...but we'll see how long I keep it short.

I have had every intention of editing these photos. I have had every intention of posting our trip to the local fire department for "Try A Truck" day. I have had every intention of posting Rosebud's six month pictures...the ones of her eating her first solids. How about the progress with the bathroom remodel? Nope. So far, no dice. Read the post before this sums it up pretty well.