No picture tonight. I don't have the heart to ask someone to bring me the camera and the cord to hook it to the computer after all they have been doing for me. Baby J is trying to come sooner than necessary and I am on
bedrest. My doctor told me to take it easy last Monday, which I did, but then after a trip to the hospital on Friday (June 6) I am down until further notice. I am
dilated 2cm and have contractions about 4 times an hour all day, and then every five minutes most of the evening and night. I can't say it isn't nice sometimes to be able to take a break, but not all day everyday.
I don't know what I would do if my mom wasn't here to help me out. Big J is such a handful right now. That and sitting at the table for twenty minutes or so I have to lay down...not exactly great for trying to cook or do laundry or clean. #1 has also been helping out, but he has to work and had a softball tournament this week.
Big J's new favorite word is "no". He loves to not want to do whatever you'd like him to be doing. I think the 2's are going to be just so fun. He does enjoy playing living room baseball these days. He has this inflatable stick thing that is supposed to hit against another one and make a loud noise at a sporting event. He uses it as a bat. We throw a small soft ball at his 'bat' (which he never swings) and when the ball hits it he throws the 'bat' down and runs around the house like he is running the bases. #1's parents taught him this and it is hours of entertainment. Luckily I'm a good pitch from my spot on the couch and he is willing to hand me the ball after each sprint around the house.
Well, I'm done feeling sorry for myself. It is more important that Jack is healthy than I am comfortable!