Monday, July 27, 2009

Stellan & Abby

I am currently working on a post of camp, but wanted to put this one up first. Please pray for Stellan from My Charming Kids. I have posted about him and his heart condition before, but he is very sick again. They are, last I heard, flying him to Boston. He is in grave condition. His mom posted via Carrie earlier today, and was obviously upset, so please excuse any language you might not agree with. Unless we have been in that situation, I don't think we can really know how bad it feels.
Although I have never met MckMama personally, I consider her a sister in the Lord and ask you to pray for her and her family during this awful time.

Ok, so then I read about Abby who has battled with cancer for the longest time. She is also back in the hospital and hasa serious infection. Please pray for her also and her family and doctors as they decide what to do.

1 comment:

Kim M said...

I too am praying for these 2 little ones I've grown to know thru the family blogs. I also am saying prayers of thank you to our Heavenly Father for our little ones.