Friday, April 1, 2011

Why Yes, Yes She Is

People often ask me if Rosebud is always as smiley and outgoing as she seems.  My answer?  "She is happy about 95% of the time.  When she's not WATCH OUT!"
 Here's the proof.  She is sitting on my lap.  She had vomited not 5 minutes before and had two days of severe diarrhea.  Although she looks a bit...disheveled....she is still her same happy self.  Did I mention her temperature is 102.7 in this picture?
 So is she always this happy?
Why yes!
Yes she is!

On a side note, this bout of sickness that started with a Draycare child coming sick and spread to LMM, Rosebud, and myself.  It made Rosebud lose a little over half a pound.  That is more than a months growth for her, and as she is already super tiny, would you pray she puts the weight back on quickly?  Thanks!

1 comment:

Esther said...

She's so cute! And yes, she's in my prayers. Gain, baby, gain!