These pictures are some "leftovers" if you will. Pictures that were never posted...but that I really like. They are all from December, but hey...better late than never, right? Have a great weekend, stay warm.
One of the last pictures taken with his hair! Inspired by CopMama. Hers is better, but this was my try. A bath in the sink.
Snug loves life. At eight years old, he is a big brother four times over, a role he takes very seriously. He loves to read, swim, run, play Legos, and hear stories. He is sensitive to the needs of others and has a very kind heart.
Little Monkey Man
Watch out world! This middle child is not about to be left out of anything! Formally known on this blog as "Baby J" he is a baby no longer. His sense of adventure is downright dangerous and he will push your buttons all day long. This six year old is very generous and has a sweet smile that will light up a room. Don't let him use his "eyes" on you or you may fall under his spell!
Four years old and quite the little lady. Not sure what we'll do with all of her emotions, but loving watching her grow. She loves ballet, preschool, and church and all of her friends-both real and stuffed variety.
Sweet Pea
She's three! Hard to believe how fast time goes by. She's my girl and she's demands lots of my love. Growing, changing, and making us all laugh (and scream...not gonna lie), this little one is so precious.
Baby #5
Oh this baby. Easiest one, cheeriest one. Laid back, happy, sweet.
Glad I could inspire a photography moment! I love the combo of the images in the bulb and the jammies, way cute!
looks like a wed walk post! :) love "left over" pics!
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