Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Drinking Problem, VBS, and a Fabulous Park

Yes of course I picked that title to make you look. C'mon, it did get your attention, right? We do have a drinking problem right now, and any of you moms that have gone through this feel free to pipe up.

Baby J is transitioning to sippy cups. His GI didn't really want him to do this, as she felt he wouldn't get enough calories fast enough/I wouldn't be able to keep track of them adequately with a sippy. I, however, have decided it is time to give up bottles (Snug's last was on his first birthday) and we are chugging along towards sippys at a nice clip...except...that when he drinks he tends to drool a bit an ounce or so down his front. He doesn't make a tight enough seal I guess. Any tips?

As for measuring it out (most sippys don't have oz marks) I make up a days worth in a big batch and then pour it into the sippys however it fits best...about 4 sippys and 1 nighttime bottle currently. Except for the 4 oz he is dripping throughout the day, he's doing great! Don't worry though I still weigh him weekly, it is Wednesday, and so he got weighed...18 lbs 13 oz! I bet he'll be 19 lbs by his first birthday!

This is a glimpse into our grocery cart...Parent's Choice at Wal-Mart this week was about 5 cents a 6-pack cheaper than PediaSure with a coupon would have been anywhere it kinda looks like Baby J has a drinking problem :o)
Snug started VBS at a local church that we love (hello to those of you from there who might be reading...) He was so excited to go to "Mr. Denny's Class" without mommy...I got a bit teary over that, and how old he looks. In the picture there is an aloe plant on the front porch that is making his hair look a big funky, sorry.
This was something he brought home last night. I'd call it his craft, but I am really doubting he cut the eye holes out, and I've seen his gluing finesse, so I'm gonna guess these were just for re-enacting the story!

Fabulous Park

With the same church that is having the VBS this week, we attended their playgroup. This park was GREAT! Here is the sprayground area. There are more fountain-y type things, but they weren't squirting at that exact moment.
If you look close you can see one of the 3 large playscapes. They had playground equipment that I swear must have been designed by Disney. Very unique and innovative.

Snug is usually a little unsure of brand new places, and this was no exception. I know the next time we go he will be a little more brave, but he did like it.

Baby J (who BTW now has 8 teeth) loved it too. He is eating lunch in this picture.

They had a large sand play area, definitely Snug's favorite activity. There were tons of toys, but apparently they didn't belong to anyone...just there to use.
Under all of the play equipment was this rubberized surface. Perfect for crawling and falling. Baby J liked the sand too, but took a few hiatuses up by the swings. (For those of you who know this group we went with, behind Baby J you can see a small set of legs belonging to Amelia)

In the sand area was a waterworks thing. When you pushed the button water came down into a basin and then down into more troughs/toys.
A bigger picture of the water and sand area. You can see Baby J, Mother Hen, and Snug playing. I do have Draycare kids a few times this summer, just not everyday.

Whew, lots of pictures and they were all taken with my cell phone...cause my camera cards are FULL and I'm waiting for #1 to show me how to put them on CDs...


Anonymous said...

Aw, it looks like SO much fun!! :D Glad you had a great time!

Esther said...

That park is AWESOME! We have fun stuff here too, but WOW!
BTW, I make long sleeved bibs, so if you'd ever need more, just let me know! (I noticed the one Baby J was wearing--he's so darn cute!)

Megan said...

Cool park! Baby J is looking so blond and I can't believe he has 8 teeth! Matthew is going to VBS for the first time this year too! I am so nervous about it because the boy can't sit still!