Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In The Next Four Weeks...

You'll have to excuse me for the next four weeks. Life is going to be anything but boring.

In the next four weeks...
...we will be moving into this house.

In the next four weeks...

...this baby should make her arrival.

In the next four weeks...

...this boy will be getting his tonsils and adenoids out.

Other than should be mundane!

Snug went to an ENT today after having multiple episodes of hearing loss this winter. We'd been to the doctor and he had fluid on his ears, but not infected...just not draining well. They sent us to an ENT to see if tubes would help, and as it turns out not only did he have an ear infection today (which I had NO clue about), they feel the need to do surgery ASAP. Our dentist has had concerns about his tonsils and wanted us to get him checked out with an ENT and lo and behold, he was right. Snug's tonsils are so large that they pose a choking hazard (and could interfere if we needed to do the Heimlich) and he has what they believe to be sleep apnea. They want to treat the ear infection and then do a hearing test in 2 weeks before they make a decision about putting tubes in. Something about the adenoids coming out may fix the problem without doing tubes. Who knows. The excitement just never ends around here!


The Alburger Family said...
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The Alburger Family said...

Oh my goodness!! There is never a dull moment at your house. T&A for Sung on top of Baby H. and moving! I'll be praying that you get rest every spare minute you can!! And that Hannah won't come too early! At least wont interfere with Snug's surgery.

Does surviving the next 4 weeks qualify you for sainthood?

All Things Family said...

yup...the adnoids and the tubes are somehow've got a busy next 4 weeks! Hang in there! We had the option of taking Z's adnoids out when we did his tubes, and didn't..but I wish we had...kid snores like a freight train and we had no idea until we all stayed in the same hotel room a couple of weeks ago...snoring is a sign the adnoids are too big :)

Jenilee said...

wow! you sure do have quite a month ahead of you! I'll be praying for each one of them. Get some rest!!! hugs! :)

Unknown said...

Praying for you guys!!

CM said...

My friend, take care of yourself! I hope everything goes well for Snug. Can't wait to see pictures of Hannah!

Esther said...

I had no idea the adenoids had anything to do with ear infections. Interesting!

You'll be in my prayers, friend!

suzannah | the smitten word said...

wow! praying for your fam and all the changes.

four week 'til you're a family of 5!

loved the post above: :is there something you're not telling me??" amazing:)