Saturday, March 27, 2010

Setting Up The Nursery

Today we had a busy day. Along with moving a bunch of stuff over to the new house, #1 set up the nursery. Mostly. There are a few more things to do, but I'll share what is done so far.
Here he is putting together the daybed that will be in her room. This was my bed from about the time I was 16 until I got married. One problem. Somewhere in the move we lost the hardware to put it together. We got some bots and nuts, but they aren't right. The bed is "together" but don't even lean on it or it will fall apart.
We didn't even bother to put the mattress or trundle part in because it is so unstable. You can see some of the cute girl things Hannah has on the chest on the left. When I find the right box there will be a cute Peter Rabbit lamp on that table.

And the crib went up today. This is the third (and final) time that #1 will have to put it together. I laid a blanket and put Peter Rabbit in the bed, but I don't have a fitted mattress pad yet, and the pink sheet I have to put on the bed is currently on Snug's bed...I was a bit behind on the laundry. I have a new set of purple/pink sheets but I left them in the package...just in case we are wrong.

Here you can see this side of her room. The chest of drawers was from when I was a baby. I still have pictures and things to hang, but her room is almost done!

And here is her closet. I hung up dresses so that they were not smashed in boxes...they are all different sizes and I will organize them later.
Very soon the rest of the house will be looking as good as her room!
Ok, next order of buisness. I was "tagged" on A Police Wife and now I will answer her questions.
3 Joys:
1. The Gift of Salvation
2. My husband and kids
3. Our new house
3 Fears:
1. That I will have Hannah before Easter Sunda
2. That I won't have Hannah by 40 weeks
3. Someone from America's Most Wanted will get us :o)
3 Goals
1. To see all of my children recieve Christ (maybe not be there, but know about it)
2. To pay off our house in ten years
3. To be a better wife
3 Obsessions
1. Taking pictures of everything we do
2. Reading blogs
3. Organizing things (even if it doesn't appear to be so to other people...there is always method to my madness)


suzannah | the smitten word said...

yay for little girl things:)

i splurged on a wool "puddle pad" for our crib mattress (instead of a mattress pad), and then read about a girl who just cut up an old wool blanket and mad covers for her crib, cradle, and changing pad. i thought that was so smart!

CM said...

Wow, so much going on! Love all the little girl stuff!

Take it easy and hopefully Hannah can wait til after Easter!

Megan said...

Her room looks great! Getting ready for babies is so much fun!