Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Ah, Not Me! Monday where we can tell all the dumb things we have not have done. Please click the button above to participate or read other people's Not Me!s...cause theirs are better, I will guarantee it. I have gotten out of the habit of trying to remember dumb things I have done...better luck next week!

I did not contemplate for a few seconds this week going back to all disposable diapers.

This was not because Baby J rolls every time I diaper him and when he's had a BM it gets messy!

I did not start giving him a small smack on the thigh because it has got to stop.

Please do not call children's services. Speaking of which...

I did not get really nervous when I answered the door today and the health department lady was standing there. I had not forgotten she was coming...I did not think she was there to inspect my home because of Draycare! My table did not have crumbs all over it from lunch (just ending) and cheese bits on the kitchen floor and two small children fighting over soap in the bathroom as she arrived. Not here.

She was not actually here for me to sign some paperwork I had requested. I did not check recently to see if we qualify for WIC (which in all seriousness, we don't). This was not because Baby J drinks $35-$40 of PediaSure a week (more than 1/2 our budgeted groceries!) and I was HOPING to get some help with that.

I am not wishing I wasn't playing church softball this year because it is NOT fun. I am terrible. I signed up and now I don't know how to get out of it without hurting anyone's feelings. *sigh*

I am done. Not very exciting. Just what is not happening around here.


Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Oh goodness, my non-cleaning BabyMama might faint if the Health department showed up at our door....yikes!

That's enough to scare ya!


All Things Family said...

oh yuck....and I dont know how many houses that have more than 1 kid inside don't have crumbs somewhere! Relax! If I come across any pediasure coupons I'll get your address and send them your way!

Christine said...

Jenney, have you tried Kroger's Baby Comfort brand of Pediasure? I think it's a couple dollars cheaper than the name brand...
and if I played softball with you, you wouldn't look so bad. :) Chris has class on Thursday nights, which is why we're never there this year.