I can't post much tonight because I really need to be getting to bed, but I just wanted to quick say that today's doctor appointment with Baby J was very positive. He weighs 17 lbs 14 oz, and is in the 10th percentile. He is a full 3 lbs heavier than he was in November and 4 lbs heavier than he was in April/March when we really started to get worried.
He is now 27.5 inches which puts him in the 5th percentile for length.
He does not have to go to the GI doctor for THREE MONTHS!!!!
He is starting solids!!!!!
He started creeping tonight (I used to call it crawling, but what did I know?) up on hands and knees moving across the floor!!!!
We are so thankful, but we are also not forgetting the people out there like the Freemans who are not getting such good news about their little ones...but they are still praising God too. In good times or in bad we need to praise Him. I just find it so much easier when things are good. Not the answer I should have, but definitely the truth.
Stellan-home and doing great! No more SVT that they can tell
Abby-home, doing well, but waiting to start chemo again
Kayleigh-still in the hospital, waiting to go home to live out her remaining time
We have a few things to share…
9 years ago
10th percentile!!! 5th percentile!!! Go Baby J - back on the charts and cruising right along. I'm so happy that he's getting good news and getting better!
Am just catching up on blogging! Great news for Baby J! Awesome to see him getting to big...and creeping too! Wow!
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