Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pictures Please!

So I bet my relatives who check this to see pictures of the boys are thinking "enough yakking already, lets see the boys". Well, I'll do one better...my dear cousin Mitt taught me how to put a video on my blog. Snug starts us off tonight...please forgive my armature videoing/posting.

These are the chicken nuggets I made tonight. We are pretty much disgusted with McDonald's food after watching "Supersize Me" and have no desire to even visit...even though we LOVE the food, we do not LOVE what it does to us. I've bought frozen nuggets for Draycare before, but I was not impressed with the nutrition...um, lack of nutrition. On the back of my shredded wheat box there was a recipe for homemade chicken nuggets. I figured homemade meant healthier, right? Nope. Some areas were a little better, and some were worse, some were a wash. Soo...I looked at the recipe and my nutritional facts and figured out what the worst offenders were. Mayo and grated Parmesan were by far the worst. I substituted the mayo for tofu and some water, and only put 1 tbs of Parmesan instead of 1/2 cup.

What do Snug and Baby J do while I am checking nutrition facts and dreaming up new recipes? Well, tonight Baby J was taking a nap and Snug was playing with his buttons.

Are these new chicken nuggets super good? We didn't think so. :o) If we really need a nugget fix we'll be going to McDonald's. Want the recipe? Leave a comment and I'll get it to you-they weren't terrible, but they weren't so tasty that we'll be making them again anytime soon.

****To hear the video better, go to my Playlist on the right sidebar and hit the pause button to turn the music off and you should be able to hear Snug.


All Things Family said...

Hey, I've made chicken battered in corn flakes before, and I think it should be fairly healthy, and is really good. I would think you could make the same dish with chicken nuggets....I use ceyanne when I make it for me and my husband, but you could just leave it our for the kids. It only uses cornflakes, 1 egg (which isn't a necessity), salt and pepper, and olive oil, and you bake it. Send me your email if you want the recipe and I'll get it to ya! And thanks for visiting my not me's! I feel like such a complainer on Mondays...but it's great to get it off my chest!

All Things Family said...

Ok...my email is lindsleyl@gmail.com...but for ease, here's the recipe:

4 chicken breasts (cut to nugget size
2 cups crushed cornflakes
1 egg
1 tbsp olive oil
1tbsp water
1 tsp salt
--side note, when I make this for grown ups, I generously salt and pepper each breast after dipping in egg, before going into the cornflake batter...but am not sure you need to do that for kids.
You put the egg and tbsp of water in a bowl, and whisk the egg.

In a separate bowl, crush your 2 cups of cornflakes, add 1 tsp of salt, and 1 tbsp of olive oil, (if you decide you and hubbs want this spicy, 1/2 tsp of ceyanne gives it a nice kick)

Mix batter together, I usually just use my hands, makes it easier for the olive oil to get on everything.

Dip your chicken peices in the egg and water, and then into the cornflake mixture. Place on baking sheet, I do rimmed, cook at 350 for 30 mins---now this cooking time is for the breasts, so I'm thinking just check them out maybe at 20 ish mins...if you're doing smaller peices so they don't over cook. They'll be golden brown when you take them out.

Let me know how you like it.

Also, I post lots of easy and usually kid friendly recipes on another blog...www.momisphere.blogspot.com I think they'd all be in archives by now, but there are some really easy ones in there that friends send me to post.

Deb said...

Hey- I thought I would check out your blog before I forgot :) It's super cute! And I dont update mine as much as I should but here's mine... www.xanga.com/pinkdebster
I will try to remember to check my blogspot if you leave comments. I'm glad to have another cloth-diapering/all natural mama friend :)- especially one that isnt all the way across the country :)

Anonymous said...

Love the video! Congrats on your first successful video post. Does it take your computer/internet forever to download and process it? Mine does, that's why I don't put too many videos on my blog... Are you guys going to be home around Christmas at all?