Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What We're Doing Today

Ok, this was killing me. R was giving "Sanna Cause" rides in our baby swing in the basement today while having her "Gordon" in a "sling". She calls all baby dolls Gordon-her mom hasn't even started to understand why that came about. Well, we can never start babywearing too young I guess!

There are so many things I love about Christmas, but one I really love this year is new books out to read. Snug has a few tried and true favorites we read over...and over...and over...and over. Currently Goodnight Moon and Peekaboo Baby are tops. But then I got out the Christmas books and now we are tra la la la la ing through Deck The Halls (Thanks to an aunt last Christmas), Elmo's 12 Days of Christmas, and Christmas in a Manger. Yes, we have more Christmas books, but really how fun would it be to read several? Shouldn't we just stick to a few and wear them completely out?

Tummy time is still a daily struggle, but today I got about 3 minutes of happiness and caught the tail end on camera. Still no 'baby push ups', attempts to roll over. or grabbing for toys that are not immediately within reach.

And yeah, I know Snug has no pants on. LOOOOOONG story.

EYE SPY will be back next Wednesday, I promise. My friend Melissa from college is helping me get a button for it. How high tech is that? Video AND a button. Wow. Uncle Alligator, you better be proud!

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