#1 just checked the blog comments while I was nursing
again to try and get Baby J's weight up and said that we have a winner...
Melissa of Racecars & Ruby Slippers guessed correctly, although many of you had part of it right. He is currently sleeping
in a laundry basket
in our bedroom. Why not a Pack N Play? Because, as
MelArcile of The Meyers Chronicles knows, my dog Lucy has her crate in there so there is simply no room. However, the dogs have been banished to the garage for a couple of nights until this page in our life is over. I have been waking up several times a night to feed him in hopes that my milk supply will get better and he will have gained weight at Friday's checkup.
So congratulations Melissa, I will get with you on what color sippy saver you want and get your address too!
Meanwhile...here is a tast of Tummy Time these days...he can't roll over but he can scoot himself backwards under the couch screaming the entire time :o) If you click on the picture, it is the first time I've been able to catch a photo of his new pearly whites.
Yippee! :) My kids slept in laundry baskets frequently...well especially Naomi so she wouldn't get trampled by Riley playing around her LOL. I'll send you my address later today :). Thanks!
Heard Baby J had a milestone yesterday - sure you'll be posting soon! Miss you guys - had a great time at your Dad's birthday celebration.
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